A magnificent three-story building with galleries and sparkling gilding domes of the Church building and the building under the Coat of Arms stretches along the terrace for almost three hundred meters …
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The Konstantinovsky Palace is a revived monument of history and architecture of the 18th century, the former residence of the Grand Dukes of the Romanovs, an architectural dominant …
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The history of the palace and the surrounding estate dates back to the Petrine era, to the period of the birth of the young Northern capital. Palace and estate complex …
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In the northern part of the picturesque Alexander Park there is a magnificent building with two centuries of history — the Alexander Palace. It was laid in 1792 by …
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The palace got its name from Anichkov Bridge. This is the oldest surviving building on Nevsky Prospect. The palace began to be built in 1741 by decree…
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