Dental Implants

Nothing can take the place of a healthy set of natural teeth. But if you have missing teeth and want a solution that is close to your natural teeth as possible, dental implants are the modern day best option for you. Implants have been used for more than a quarter century.

It is an ancient art refined and now its use is quite easy and predictable. Implants are posts or cylinders, which are surgically placed in the upper or lower jaws where they function as a sturdy anchor for replacement teeth. They are made of Titanium, a strong, lightweight metal, and are readily accepted by the human body.

Why are implants used?

Implants are used to replace missing teeth.

Why replace missing teeth? Here are some of the reasons:
Missing teeth may create a lasting social, psychological and emotional turbulence.

Missing teeth may affect your self-esteem and confidence and may make you feel awkward, anxious and nervous or self-conscious while going out in public.

Missing teeth may affect your speech and appearance. It may cause your facial muscles to sag and give you that old worn outlook.

Missing one or more back teeth affects chewing. The biting force on the remaining teeth begins to change to compensate for the lost tooth. Consequently there is extra pressure and discomfort, which may accelerate their decay and demise.Teeth surrounding the missing tooth may start to shift and this leads to difficulty in cleaning and chewing. Over time there is plaque and tartar accumulation, which causes gum disease and weaken the support of the remaining teeth.Missing teeth may lead to collapse of the jaws. This results in gaps and spaces between the remaining teeth and undue prominence of the chin, making chewing difficult and the individual looking older. The ability to chew fibrous and nutritious food also decreases drastically because of missing teeth.