Vladimir Square

Location : Vladimir Square

Saint Petersburg.

The modern name has been known since 1844. Given over the Church of the Mother of God of Vladimir (Vladimirsky Prospect, house number 20). From October 6, 1923 to July 10, 1950 – Nakhimson Square. Named in honor of S. M. Nachimson.

In the first half of the 18th century, the area of ​​this square adjoined a settlement inhabited by court servants. In 1747, a wooden church of the Mother of God of Vladimir was built here. Later, in 1761-1769, a stone church was built in its place, from which the name of the square came from.

The exterior of the temple is made in the Baroque style. The cathedral and the bell tower play a large urban development role. The monumental in size building of the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God closes the prospect of Zagorodny Prospekt and still retains the significance of the architectural dominant of the Vladimir Square area. The square got its name from the Church of the Virgin Mary located here. Along with the construction of the church, redevelopment of adjacent quarters inhabited by the servants of the Court settlement was carried out.