Saint Petersburg.

The Rumyantsev mansion is a monument of classicism of the first half of the 19th century, the only building in St. Petersburg with a twelve-column portico. Count N.K. Rumyantsev was a statesman and collector, his collections formed the basis of the Rumyatsev Museum of Historical Materials, the Russian State Library and the Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow.

In 1964, on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the complete defeat of the Nazi troops, an exposition “Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War” was opened near Leningrad in Rumyantsev’s mansion, based on genuine documents and materials. The exposition demonstrates the main events related to the heroic defense and life of the city in 1941-1945. Authentic documents and photographs, banners, weapons and uniforms, objects of the besieged life, personal belongings of participants in events, paintings and graphics, dioramas, maps, layouts and models are presented here. The exposition includes excursions dedicated to the main events related to the heroic defense of the city in 1941-1944.

Now in the mansion you can inspect the interiors and study the exposition about the history of the city during the NEP, the first five-year plans, during the Great Patriotic War. There are interactive zones “Nevsky Prospekt” and “Communal Kitchen”, the first trolleybus of 1936 and the diary of Tanya Savicheva.

The museum hosts a musical-historical program, within which you can listen to the music of that time performed by musicians and lecturers in costumes of eras.