Entreprise Named After Ekaterina Orlova Alexandrinsky Theater

Location : Entreprise Named After Ekaterina Orlova Alexandrinsky Theater

Saint Petersburg.

It has its history since 2003. Attracts for the implementation of joint projects disabled people of various categories and professional directors, actors, theater artists.

He seeks to develop new forms of collaboration between people with disabilities and professional actors on the stage, to promote the integration of people with disabilities into public life through the theater, to try to change the public consciousness regarding the creative and intellectual potential of people with disabilities, to popularize the ideas of the teacher Ekaterina Vasilievna Orlova on the theater education of children with disabilities.

The play “Emigrant Waltz” was awarded the prize of the All-Russian festival of special theaters “Theater” in Moscow and the III International Integration Theater Festival “Sun Wave” in Kiev, the performances “Girl and Centaur” and “Architect of Love” were awarded with honorary diplomas of the winners of the III International Festival of Special Theaters during Lviv.