Botanical Garden

Location : Botanical Garden

Saint Petersburg.

The richest collection of the museum, numbering over 80 thousand samples, is based on the herbariums of Peter’s Kunstkamera and collections collected by domestic botanists and travelers, including Nikolai Przhevalsky, Grigory Potanin. Vsevolod Roborovsky and Vladimir Komarov, whose name is the museum.
The museum expositions reveal four themes: the vegetation of the Earth, the history and evolution of plants, the plant resources of Russia, plants and people. A direct continuation of the expositions is the live collections of the Botanical Garden. Here in the open ground flora grows, common in temperate latitudes; plants of the Caucasus, the Mediterranean, Central Asia, North America are grown on alpine hills, and visitors to greenhouses at any time of the year find themselves in the exotic setting of tropical and subtropical forests and savannahs.