The Academy of Arts, or the “Academy of the Three Noble Arts” (that is, painting, sculpture and architecture), as it was originally called, was established by decree of Elizabeth Petrovna in 1757. In 1764…
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It was founded by Peter I, although the decree itself has not reached our days and the foundation date is September 1714 – the beginning of the issuance of readers books from the library …
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The building was built according to a pilot project developed in the 1920s. Some scholars attribute authorship to Leningrad architect R. N. …
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The forerunner of this Gostiny Dvor was Gostiny Dvor by the Green Bridge. When it burned down in the fire of 1738, it was decided not to restore the old …
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In this place in the XIX century the building of the District Court was built, built by V.I. Bazhenov. In February 1917, the District Court was burned, for a long time the building was so …
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At the end of the Northern War in 1721, Peter I decided to transport the boat from Moscow to St. Petersburg. In 1723, the boat solemnly arrived in the capital. At first for him …
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Initially, the section of house No. 24 on Bolshaya Morskaya Street belonged to the bell master who served in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in the time of Peter I. At the end of 18 …
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Vitebsky Station is the first in Russia and one of the most beautiful railway stations in St. Petersburg. The history of the station originates in the middle of the XIX century. AT…
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The modern name has been known since 1844. Given over the Church of the Mother of God of Vladimir (Vladimirsky Prospect, house number 20). From October 6, 1923 to July 10, 1950 …
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In the 1820s the house was bought by the treasury from the merchant Zhadimirovskaya and transferred to the Orphanage, which was in charge of the School of the Deaf. Educational home …
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