Alexander Palace

Location : Alexander Palace

Saint Petersburg.

The Konstantinovsky Palace is a revived monument of history and architecture of the 18th century, the former residence of the Grand Dukes of the Romanovs, the architectural dominant of the Palace of Congresses complex. The palace is surrounded by canals and a park, which houses a stunning rose garden and a unique ensemble of fountains “Flowers”.

In the Konstantinovsky Palace you can get acquainted with the famous collection of Russian art, which was created over thirty years by the great Russian musicians M. Rostropovich and G. Vishnevskaya and was donated to the state by the patron A. Usmanov: this is painting and graphics, porcelain and glass, bronze and malachite , handicrafts. Here is the famous treasure of the Naryshkins. It includes more than two thousand items of silver, made in the XIX – early XX centuries by the best jewelers of the most famous companies. The items included in the treasure – dining and tea sets, jewelry and awards have survived to our days in excellent condition, and sets of utensils are almost completely complete.

Today, the Konstantinovsky Palace is one of the business and cultural centers of St. Petersburg. It was here that the Russia-EU Summit, the meeting of the G8 heads of state and government, as well as an unprecedented event – the G20 Leaders Summit.