Academic Chapel

Location : Academic Chapel

Saint Petersburg.

The State Academic Chapel of St. Petersburg dates back to 1479, when, by decree of Grand Duke Ivan III, the choir of sovereign singing clerks was established in Moscow, which became the first professional choir in Russia. The chapel carefully stores and restores the “golden fund” of its classic repertoire. By the forces of Vladislav Chernushenko and the Singing Chapel, the most valuable layer of Russian culture, the creation of Russian sacred music, was brought back to life. With the reconstruction in 1991 in the Chapel of the Symphony Orchestra conducted by Alexander Chernushenko, large vocal and symphonic works began to regularly sound from the Chapel.

In the 1970s, a gallery was added to the Capella Concert Hall on the second floor, allowing artists and the administration to enter the auditorium and lobby not through the stage. The gallery serves not only as a place for listeners to relax during intermissions, but also for holding exhibitions of paintings, drawings, photographs and sculptures.

In 2010, during an overhaul in the Chapel, an elevator was installed for people with disabilities.

The St. Petersburg Chapel organizes excursions, which include a tour of the complex of historic buildings of the Chapel, a visit to the Tsar’s Pavilion, which is closed for visitors to concerts, visits to the rehearsal of the orchestra and exhibition displays housed in the Chapel Gallery. At present, the exposition of the Capella Museum is being finalized. The St. Petersburg Chapel was the first concert institution in St. Petersburg to introduce a smart museum service for owners of mobile devices. There is a free wi-fi zone in the lobby of the Chapel of St. Petersburg.

Since the fall of 2014, on the site of the chapel, you can visit the 3D tour of the building, see the magnificent historical interiors created by the outstanding Russian architect Leonty Benoit.